Aca un parentesis: todavia muchas de estas chicas que conozco me dicen que ellas nunca hablan En caso de que es el menudo el que les acento principal. A ver PRINCESAS… Amor 2.0 en pleno siglo XXI y creencias de la perduracion Media no son compatibles. En caso de que te agrada alguien tu tambien, reina, puedes hablar primero.

Aca un parentesis: todavia muchas de estas chicas que conozco me dicen que ellas nunca hablan En caso de que es el menudo el que les acento principal. A ver PRINCESAS… Amor 2.0 en pleno siglo XXI y creencias de la perduracion Media no son compatibles. En caso de que te agrada alguien tu tambien, reina, puedes hablar primero.

Una diferente cosa que me ha anterior varias veces es que igual que en mi caso igual que viajo muy lejos sobre mi colectividad autonoma, al abrir la empleo en una diferente ciudad lo que ocurre es que el radio de movimiento sobre Tinder logicamente es esa ciudad desplazandolo hacia el pelo por tanto cuando vuelvo a a abrir la aplicacion en mi casa me parecen chicos que viven a 400 o 500 km sobre Madrid. Que claro yo veo la foto y pienso mira que chulo, ?voy a darle al LIKE! (por motivo de que demasiada multitud que reside en Madrid es sobre externamente y seri­a excesivamente normal que te aparezcan lejos por motivo de que han ido an examinar a su estirpe). Leer más

The heart (considered as the seat of intellect)

The heart (considered as the seat of intellect)

Footnote to ‘Enlightened Living’

Sicuro illustrate the translator’s unique position, six important words that occur in the text are given below with a complete list of their meanings as found sopra per sensitivo-sized dictionary:

cittam: 1. Observing. attending. 2. (a) Thought, thinking, attention; (b) desire, intention, aim. 3. The mind. 4. 5. Reason, intellect, reasoning faculty.

nirodha: 1. Confinement, locking up, imprisonment. 2. Enclosing, covering up. 3. Restraint, check, suppression, control. 4. Hindrance, obstruction, opposition. 5. Hurting, punishing, injuring. 6. Annihilation, complete destruction. 7. Aversion, dislike. 8. Disappointment, frustration of hopes (in dramatic language). 9. (With the Buddhists) Suppression of pain.

pranidhana: 1. Applying, employing, application, use. 2. Great effort, energy. 3. Profound religious meditation, abstract contemplation. 4. Respectful behaviour towards. 5. Renunciation of the fruit of actions. 6. Entrance, access. 7. (With Buddhists) Per prayer, an entreaty.

pratyaya 1. Conviction, settled belief. 2. Monopolio, reliance, faith, confidence. 3. Conception, preoccupazione, notion, opinion. 4. Surety, certainty. 5. Knowledge, experience, cognition. 6. Per cause, ground, means of action. 7. Celebrity, desiderio, renown. 8. A termination, an affix or suffix. 9. Leer más

If per priestess who is not living sopra a MAL

If per priestess who is not living sopra a MAL

278. If a man sell a colpa or female slave, and the slave have not completed his month, and the bennu fever fall upon him, he (the purchaser) shall return him to the seller and he shall receive the money which he paid.

279. If a man sell a dolore or female slave and there be verso claim upon him, the seller shall be responsible for the claim.

280. If verso man purchase per male or female slave of per man con per foreign country, and if, when he comes back preciso his own land, the (former) owner of the male or female slave recognize his colpa or female slave-if the peccato or female slave be verso native of the land, he shall grant them their freedom without money.

If verso man give on deposit without witnesses or contracts, and at the place of the deposit they dispute with him (i

281. If they be natives of another land, the purchaser shall declare before god the money which he paid (for them), and the owner of the dolore or female slave shall give puro the merchant the money which he paid out, and he (the owner) shall receive into his care his dolore or female slave.

282. If a colpa slave say esatto his master: «Thou art not my originale,» his originale shall prove him preciso be his slave and shall cut off his ear.

11. If the owner (claimant) of the lost property do not produce witnesses to identify his lost property, he has attempted fraud (has lied), he has stirred up strife (calumny), he shall be put to death.

30. If an officer or per constable from the beginning of (or, on account of) (his) business neglect his field, his garden, and his house and leave them uncared for (and) another after him take his field, his garden, and his house, and conduct his business for three years; if the former return and desire (or, would manage) his field, his garden, and his house, they shall not give them puro him; he, who has taken (them) and conducted the business shall continue (to do so). Leer más